The Beast... Lung Cancer
Created by Hope 11 years ago
Mom was diagnosed in November. She had been suffering from a nagging cough which was first diagnosed as bronchitis in September. It didn't go away so she went back in October and again it was suspected it was simply bronchitis. Antibiotics were given to her and she was on a daily routine of cough meds. The cough did not go away. She went back in November and they thought it might have turned into pneumonia, but for precaution decided to do an xray. The xray showed a dark mass on one of her lungs. She went for a biopsy and PET scan which confirmed cancer. In spite of this diagnosis, mom continued to put others first. She always took care of dad and worried so over him. At the first visit to her chemo Dr., he wanted to make sure the cancer had not spread to her brain, but unfortunately it had. Mom had to have radiation to knock that out before her chemo could begin; this meant delaying chemo for another month. She did not speak much about the cancer though we kept trying to get her to scream, kick, yell, punch, anything if she was mad, but she was a lady of grace and simply said "If it is the Lord's Will, He will take care of me, and you too." As the days drew nearer Mom soon lost her voice and spoke in a whisper, but you know her, we could hear her words loud and clear especially the "I LOVE YOU's". She often would give us that blue eyed big smile, and she also had the facial expressions to tell exactly what she was saying. She was a woman full of beauty and full of grace. Even with this awful disease she tried to keep her spirits up and kept her faith in the Lord. She lost a sister and other dear friends to this terrible disease. I encourage anyone who has been a long time smoker or has a family history to get a test every year if possible so they can catch it early. Lung cancer is treatable and responds well to chemo if caught in time. I also encourage anyone who has a nagging cough that doesn't seem to go away after a reasonable amount of time to look into it further. We have a link to donate to the American Cancer Society so we can find a cure for all cancers. God Bless You.